What is Discrimination?

In Illinois, it is illegal to discriminate against someone in the workplace because of that person’s color, race, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, pregnancy, disability, age, religion, and military status. Defining discrimination is difficult and requires careful analysis of the specific facts of your situation. For example, if you are Muslim and you…

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You’ve Lost Your Job. Now What?

Involuntarily losing your job is one of life’s most stressful events. Although it may be difficult to think clearly during and after an involuntary job loss, there are a few things you need to do to protect your legal interests and get yourself back on track. Organize: Make sure to keep all documents your employer…

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Civil Rights

Civil rights are that class rights that protect people from unwarranted infringement by the government and private organizations. Such rights ensure that individuals will be free from discrimination and will have equal access to the enjoyment of those liberties granted in the U.S. Constitution, state constitutions, and various laws. Examples of civil rights are freedom…

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Personal Injury / Auto Accident

The world is becoming an increasingly more dangerous place. Our experienced legal team puts you first when you or a loved one has been injured because of someone else’s negligence. Our managing partner, Betty Tsamis, is a former insurance defense attorney. Ms. Tsamis stopped defending insurance companies when she became seriously injured at the hands…

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Tsamis Law Firm PC has successfully represented employees in a variety of matters involving workplace issues. We are aggressive but work intelligently to bring about the best result for you. At the outset, we acknowledge that many employers treat their employees fairly and lawfully. Employers who violate employment and labor laws experience an unfair advantage…

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In the News

Windy City Media Group 6/25/2008 Windy City Media Group 3/17/2010 Windy City Media Group 5/8/2013 Chicago Tribune 8/21/2012 CNN Aspen Times Howard Brown Chicago Gay History Mental Health Weekly Digest Marriage Equality

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Legal Tidbits

You’ve Lost Your Job, Now What? What is Discrimination? Social Media Guidelines for Employees Wage and Payment Issues

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Practice Areas


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About Us

Betty Tsamis, the founder and managing partner of Tsamis Law Firm, P.C. graduated from the University of Denver Law School with honors in 2001. In law school, she clerked for the Denver District Attorney’s Office as well as the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Ms. Tsamis spent her last year in law school conducting intensive directed…

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Why Tsamis Law? Tsamis Law Firm, P.C. is a law firm focused on representing individuals and small businesses throughout Illinois in workplace issues.  Our clients include rank and file employees, professionals, managers, directors, physicians, attorneys and other licensed professionals. We also represent clients in personal injury and civil rights matters. The people we work with…

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